
The Best Budget Friendly Logo Design Options for Startups and Small Businesses

When we think of a company, one of the first things that come to our mind is its logo. Any big brand is first recognized by its familiar logo. A study by Red Crow Marketing showed that an average adult was exposed to over 4000 advertisements of various forms in a day. Of this, 60% of what retained is the logo. This is how fundamental a logo is. A logo draws attention to your brand like no other. A good logo is an anchor that will drive your business along with its marketing campaigns.

What is the importance of a Logo?

  • Recognition of existence

A good logo will remind people about the existence of the company and draw particular attention towards startups and small businesses. A good logo will appeal to a larger section of the audience. Take, for instance, the logo of McDonald’s with its inviting nature almost beckons us to eat. It works visually and conveys the existence of the company.

  • Communication

A good logo communicates to its viewers. It will sub-consciously or consciously inform viewers about the company. Choosing articulate elements is important to make a connection in that manner. A Nike logo, for instance, communicates readiness and acceptance, this is an athletic boost.

  • The intent of the Company

The intent and message of the company are well conveyed through brands. A good brand will incorporate the values of the company. It will add credibility to the company and work to suffice by displaying the vision of the company in the best manner possible.

Startups and small businesses, in particular, need logos. However, they face certain constraints like-

  • Serious Cost issues
  • Value of the company is not expressed
  • The details they want are omitted or missing

What kind of Logo Creator Options should Startups choose?

  • Affordable and Feasible

Startups are usually strict on the monetary policy and a good one knows where to do the cost-cutting. One should go for affordable options that do not cost your entire budget. They should be ones that still provide less cost.

  • Accessible

All these options are extremely accessible and mostly free. All one has to do is sign up and use them to find the best options. One receives personalized service with a good logo at a click away.

  • Unique

The USP of these online options is many templates and ideas to choose from. This only makes it unique and no other company in the same field will be using the same logo as yours. They cross-check with thousands of references.

  • A Fresh Infusion of Ideas

There is an infusion of talent into how the logo looks due to new creativity and networking behind it. One gets a unique logo that will accentuate the look of the company. One gets nice ideas and more effective quality at a fraction of the cost.


What are the best Logo Design Tools available?

  1. Free Logo Design

Free Logo DesignThis online web-based tool promises the best designs according to the work of the company in a subtle manner. One can add icons, shapes, text and other art to make it more relatable. The best part is one can choose from an array of themes like abstract, art, home, defense etc and even customize their own themes.

USP: One does not even need to create an Account to use free logo design.

  1. Logo Master

LogomasterThis is a premium tool that is powered by Artificial Intelligence that comprehends your needs to create beautiful business logos. This is a verified startup resources product that lets you create your logo in both print and digital. One gets royalty-free logos at budget-friendly prices. Payment is done only once you are satisfied with your logo.

USP: They have an AI-powered system which understands the branding campaign we need exactly

  1. Free Logo Services

Free logo serviceWith this tool, you can make logos, business cards, and websites in minutes. They make high-quality images in a fast and easy manner. They have a huge gallery of templates and cater to almost 24 million businesses.

USP: A one-stop branding spot

  1. Logo Genie

Logo genieThis site encourages one to DIY their own logo. One can choose from over 1000 premium templates to design the perfect logo of their choice. Choose your icon and style your logo with a variety of tools. One can experiment to their fullest to reach something they like.

USP: They have a blog that gives amazing tips on how to create that perfectly memorable logo

  1. Logo Joy

LogoJoyThis is also an AI-powered maker that helps make online free logos freely. With a customer rating of 98%, they stand tall on the customer satisfaction meter. One can pay only if 100% satisfied. They generate vector files, HQ logos and one gets royalty-free logos.

USP: A user gets 40+ social media logo kits and lifetime phone support

  1. Wix Logo Maker

Wix LogoThis web-based tool helps you make professional logos which are 100% customizable. You get all commercial rights to fit your logo where you like for your business. It is large ranging in that one can create websites and choose domains also with this.

USP: This site enables you to start from scratch with your small business or startup with full-length branding campaigns

  1. Design Mantic

Design ManticThis software tool enables you to create the most suited pictorial representation of the company. It reflects the mission, vision, and values of the company in a concise logo. They have automated design templates that will help in identity design. They cater to a lot of business types to create free logos and designs.

USP: Excellent customer service coupled with innumerable industries

  1. Make Logo Online Free(MLOF)

MLOFIn this one has to fill in certain categories to reach the perfect logo design. This automated design will take your slogan and brand to create a perfect design. One can even combine designs to find the perfect fit. There are unlimited options and simple steps to reach the good logo.

USP: One can create any number of logos and if unsatisfied, can get a refund!

These unique, out-of-the-box solutions for logo creations will enable you to create customized, free, effective and compact logos to enhance your branding and marketing campaign. All these tools offer a simple solution without costing a bomb. Next time you want to create your logo, you know where to go.

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